Our First Trimester
Last October our wedding photographer, Catara, took more family photos for us. From the moment we first hired Catara, I had always dreamed of her taking our maternity and newborn pictures. She is incredibly talented and we’re so blessed to know her. She has compassionately journeyed with us through all our years of grief and has captured moments for us Continue Reading →
Vlog #1 The Announcement
It has been a while since we’ve made a post. A lot has happened. More grief, but even more healing. Praise God. It took just a little over a year and a half for me to pull it together and get our first Vlog up. Two youth conferences that Rachel and I attended last summer – IGNITE and Steubenville Northwest, Continue Reading →
Yabuts take on the South
Last Spring our dear friends, the Curriers, unexpectedly moved back to the South after living in Washington for more than a decade. Soon after we found out they were moving, we booked tickets to visit them because it was just too much to process at the time. We bravely hopped on a plane to make our way to Mississippi in Continue Reading →
I hear You, God
The morning after our anniversary we hit the road to make a six-hour trek across the state to Spokane. Before getting too far on the road, we stopped to attend daily Mass together as planned. 🙂 At the beginning of Mass, Father announced that it was St. James’ feast day. I whispered to Rex, “We have a baby named James,” and smiled. Continue Reading →
Better L8 Than Never
Hello there! I know it has been a while; a long while. I apologize for my extended absence. I have struggled to write this past year for various reasons, but mostly because I have believed a lie that this blog doesn’t matter. That life is just the same old, same old, and nobody cares. Deep down I know that isn’t Continue Reading →