Always Remember
Most people recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness month, but since the 1980’s it has also been Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness. October 15 is the International day to remember those who have suffered the loss of a child through miscarriage or infant death by lighting a memorial candle at 7pm creating a Wave of Light in the darkness of the loss and grief. I first heard about Continue Reading →
Divine Providence
Some believe in coincidences. But coincidences are just accidents or a fluke. There’s no deeper meaning or excitement, besides the cool factor. However, I firmly believe in Divine Providence. There are no accidents but rather purpose. A purpose that fulfills God’s Divine will, whether through His permissive will or perfect will. The day of our anniversary a friend of ours asked Continue Reading →
High Five Anniversary
Wow, five years. Rex and I have been married for FIVE years. For some, that may not seem like a big deal but with everything we have been through it was definitely a milestone in our life together. On the vigil of our significant anniversary, we launched this very blog. We had planned a weekend staycation in the beautiful San Continue Reading →
Defining Question
Several weeks ago I wrote about the dreaded question but today’s story is about a defining question. I’ll take you back to a warm, crisp, blue skies kind of July day: invitations had been sent, flowers were in place, dresses were steamed; make up and hair were done; cameras were ready; guests were beginning to arrive. Months upon months of Continue Reading →
My desire to be a Dad
I Found Change and Didn’t Want It Hate. War. Killing. Racial & Religious Bigotry. Murders. Rape. Who wouldn’t have second thoughts about raising children or having a family in this senseless world? Rightly so! But I was up for that task, or so I thought. Being the youngest of four, I always yearned for younger siblings and from a young Continue Reading →