Bittersweetness of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is bittersweet. My relationship with my mom has had it’s ups and downs so honoring her doesn’t always come naturally. On top of that, my own identity as a mother is different than what I thought it would be at this point of my life. And to complicate matters even more, my mom had six miscarriages before my Continue Reading →
The Dreaded Question
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 It’s un-debatable that at the moment of conception a new life with distinct DNA begins. Within a few hours of conception cell division begins, and within three weeks the baby’s first nerve cells Continue Reading →
Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!
Catholics have been celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday on the second Sunday of Easter since the canonization of Sr. Faustina in the year 2000 by Pope John Paul II. The image of the Divine Mercy revealed to St. Faustina represents the Risen Christ’s mercy and grace for the whole world. “The two rays,’ Jesus Himself explained to St. Faustina, “represent blood Continue Reading →
Christ is Risen!
Happy Easter! Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Easter is the season where we celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection. He conquered death so we are able to have eternal life with Him in heaven. Easter reminds us that we are not made to die, but in order to live we must die to sin and rise with Jesus – new life. The season Continue Reading →